District 5 Includes:

Isanti Township

North Branch Township

Oxford Township

City of Isanti P-2

January 3, 2023: Sworn in to assume commissioner duties. Commissioners meeting will follow at 9:00 am. I’m excited to get to work for our citizens of Isanti County!

October 17, 2022: Significant Levy Increase Braham to hold a Town Hall meeting


August 27, 2022: Michelle Block proudly and unhesitatingly endorses Kristi LaRowe for County Commissioner. Kristi’s dedication to restarting voter rights, ensuring government transparency, and reducing government waste is needed for Isanti County.

Kristi WINS the Primary Election for District 5!

06-21-2022 The County Appeal and Equalization Meeting
The County Appeal and Equalization Meeting followed the Commissioner’s Meeting. where several residents spoke at this meeting.

06-21-2022 Isanti County Commissioners Meeting
Isanti Commissioners discussed appointments and permits; the Highway Engineer and Zoning
administrators spoke about approving plats and implementation details of the Rum River comprehensive
watershed management plan.

06-14-2022 Oxford Township Meeting
Meeting consisted of discussing maintenance of roads and what is the best way to accomplish
that. I was able to introduce myself and share that I would like to see more transparency in our Local

“News Articles”
